IELTS Listening Test 06
Part 3: Questions 21-23
Complete the sentences below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
Effects of weather on mood
21. Phil and Stella’s goal is to ________________________________ the hypothesis that weather has an effect on a person’s mood.
22. They expect to find that ‘good’ weather (weather which is ________________________________ and ) has a positive effect on a person’s mood.
23. Stella defines ‘effect on mood’ as a ________________________________ in the way a person feels.
Questions 24-27
What information was given by each writer? Choose you answers from the list of options A-F next to questions 24-27.
A the benefits of moving to a warmer environment
B the type of weather with the worst affect on mood
C how past events affect attitudes to weather
D the important effect of stress on mood
E the importance of effect of hours of sunshine on modd
F psychological problems due to having to cope with bad weather
24. Vickers ________________________________
25. Whitebourne ________________________________
26. Haverton ________________________________
27. Stanfield ________________________________
Questions 28-30
Choose THREE letters A-H.
Which THREE things do Phil and Stella still have to decide on?
A how to analyse their results
B their methods of presentation
C the design of their questionnaire
D the location of their survey
E weather variables to be measured
F the dates of their survey
G the size of their survey
H the source of data on weather variables
Part 1: Questions 1-7
Complete the table and the notes below using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
(11) ________________________________
(12) ________________________________
(13) ________________________________
(14) ________________________________
Questions 15-20
Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
At the interview
Arrive no more than (15) ________________________________ before the time of the interview.
After you hear the question, you can (16) ________________________________ before you reply.
You can (17) ________________________________ if you don’t understand what they are asking you.
Wait for them to offer you the job before you say what (18) ________________________________ you want.
Learning from the experience will make you more (19) ________________________________ in future interviews.
Pay attention to your (20) ________________________________ – it shows you have a positive attitude.
Click here to check the answers:
Part 4: Questions 31-35
Choose the correct letter A, B or C.
31. How long would terms be under the six-term system?
A six weeks
B seven weeks
C thirteen weeks
32. What would happen to the summer holiday?
A it would disappear
B it would be shortened
C it would be lengthened
33. How much was the average learning loss in the summer?
A two weeks
B three weeks
C seven weeks
34. In which subject was learning loss greatest among disadvantaged?
A maths
B reading
C writing
35. According to Marchmont’s research, in the six-term system pupils performed
A better than under the existing system
B worse than under the existing system
C the same as under the existing system
Questions 36-40
Complete the summary below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.
The school terms that we use originated when many people worked in (36) ________________________________ Also because of the heat it was difficult to teach children in July and August before the invention (37) ________________________________ A different approach can be provided by the (38) ________________________________ An important factor in the success of these is the small (39) ________________________________ Also the element of (40) ________________________________ is usually present which contributes greatly.
(1) ________________________________
(2) ________________________________
(3) ________________________________
(4) ________________________________
(5) ________________________________
(6) ________________________________
(7) ________________________________
8. Jetty No.2 is situated ________________________________
9. The commentary is in ________________________________
10. The lady recommends that they ________________________________
Part 2: Questions 11-14
Complete the table below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.